Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dark Chess Strategy Guide

Hi Chess Fans,

So far I have found 47 ways to not win at Dark Chess (my current # of multi-player losses).

Well the school of hard knocks doesn't come without a few transcripts and my copious notes & musings on this subject are below. I'm not formally trained in Chess strategy so please forgive my Genghis Khan style of describing what I'm sure are has been more eloquently defined countless times before.

Feel free to send me any additions, corrections, omissions or other feedback you have.

I hope you enjoy!


(This information is copywrited and should not be distributed publicly without express permission)

Dark Chess Introduction

Hi Everyone,

I just started playing chess again and I've become addicted to Dark Chess, a game where you only see those pieces which you can attack. What I enjoy most is that this game is the great equalizer. Your opponent doesn't know if they are playing Gary Kasparov or the kid next door.

This mind bending game is securely stuck in the middle of the fog of war. That fact makes the improbable made possible, and with a little strategy, luck, and daring you can beat anyone, anywhere, anytime.