Sunday, March 22, 2009

Seirawan Chess, Where's the Computer Version?

Chess never stops changing, and this recent addition comes with what I love most, really cool new pieces!
I just got my chess set in the mail from House of Staunton and I'm dying to play. In this chess variant there are two new pieces introduced, the Hawk and the Elephant.

  • The Hawk is nimble and quick and has the power of a Biship and a Knight.

  • The Elephant is truly mighty with the powers of a Rook and a Knight.

This game is played on a regular chess board with only slightly modified rules for allowing the new pieces to enter the game. I haven't played, but can imagine all of the new and exciting mating patterns.

We need a computer version of this game!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ghost of Dark Chess Future

I'm obviously not posting very often, but still playing Dark Chess. Like all online games, the eventual low tide sets in and the community shrinks. Inevitably it becomes harder to find games, even for the king of strategy games.

With hundreds of game under my belt, I'm content to keep playing with the devout dark chess fans and occasionally twisting my friend's arms. I'm also content knowing that Dark Chess breathes new life into Chess by trading the dominance of timeless strategies for cage mage tactical battles.

If I was to rattle the crystal ball and wish upon a possible future, it would look something like the following:

1) Someone needs to build a computer AI (that doesn't cheat) to train a new core of Dark Chess foot soliders. Here's a site that started the process but unfortunately stopped development.

2) This fun varient needs to be included every online Chess game. The rules are almost identical and player vs player play should be simple to program.

3) There needs to be a Dark Chess championship. If #2 exists, why not? It can only serve to draw new players into the sport.

4) My ultimate wishlist. A "Battleship" style form factor electronic chess board where players can't see each others moves but would allow for boardgame like play.

Well that's my two cents. If you have any comments on the strategy guide, please feel free to post your feedback!

xbox Gamertag: WarpedPositron